Hello there! 👋

My name’s Angie and I currently teach Year 3/4 English and maths, here in the hub.

Having been a full-time teacher in mainstream school for over 25 years, I decided a change was long overdue but didn’t know what that change should be! As fate would have it, a bright, talented and incredibly funny young lady came to join my class – her mum was keen to help out – and that’s when I met Amy! Fast-forward through the whirlwind that followed and here I am, working a couple of days in the hub, a couple in a local school teaching some fabulous Year 2s and the odd day on supply.

Not really knowing what to expect, since joining the team, I have been absolutely bowled over by the sheer quality and variety of provision delivered by the hub week in and week out. The children that join the lessons are well-mannered, keen to learn and a complete joy to teach! 😊❤️

Amy and the team work so hard behind the scenes, fuelled by the desire to make the home education experience as positive and fulfilling as they can – exciting times ahead!

That’s more than enough from me – looking forward to meeting lots of you in my sessions! 🤗

Session: Yr 3/4 Maths           Tuesday @ 5pm

*These are stand alone blocks- no previous knowledge is needed 

Session: Yr 3/4 English         Monday @ 5pm

*These are stand alone blocks- no previous knowledge is needed